Ruth Love, HRC, Rosemary Straley
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straley with Pelosi
Rosemary Straley, Speaker Nancy Pelosi
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Organize a Chapter

Dear Prospective HRCSN Chapter Coordinator:

Thank you for your interest in organizing a chapter of the Hillary Rodham Clinton Support Network.  Please review the list of items in the Chapter Starter Kit, which will enable you to launch your chapter and enroll your first 25 members.  Before we can send your Chapter Charter and Chapter Starter Kit, we need some basic information about you and your plans.  Please print out and complete the Chapter Coordinator Application.

The sole purpose of this organization is to act as a network of support for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, her public policy priorities, and her political aspirations.  Because we are a grassroots organization, each chapter tailors its activities to its own area and membership.  Chapter coordinators are encouraged to use their creativity and style, within overall guidelines.  As a chapter coordinator, you will...

  • Wear our HRCSN membership button and distribute HRCSN brochures to elicit conversation about Senator Clinton and recruit new members.

  • Communicate (usually via email) to inform members about Senator Clinton’s policy positions and alert them about her appearances on TV and locally.

  • Organize activities, as appropriate, to demonstrate our admiration for Senator Clinton and support for her legislative initiatives and program advocacies.

  • Use our bumper sticker to raise consciousness about the gender issue: A Woman’s Place is in The House, The Senate, and The Oval Office.

  • Network with organizations in our respective communities to register voters and assure voter turnout – especially of women. 

We look forward to receiving your application to organize a chapter, accompanied by your check for the Chapter Starter Kit.  As a chapter coordinator you are assured of a lot of fun and satisfaction, working on behalf of an extraordinary American!

